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 ancient civilization

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ancient civilization Vide
PostSubject: ancient civilization   ancient civilization EmptyThu 10 May - 17:59

I wanted to post it with the full lesson plan among the 1st unit but it's blocked so here you have te presentation.
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ancient civilization Vide
PostSubject: Re: ancient civilization   ancient civilization EmptyThu 10 May - 18:14

It would be great if all the sections were available so that we could post

every topic in its appropriate place.

Is it possible,Mrs.NOR?

Thank you for all your efforts ,Mrs Dida.The video you've posted and the

lesson plan you were not able to share are just great!
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ancient civilization Vide
PostSubject: Re: ancient civilization   ancient civilization EmptyThu 10 May - 20:13

Here is my worksheet but it's not clear on this way scratch



Interaction Pattern





Warming up:

-To access and activate pupils’ background
from a video.

–Listen for gist

As you listen: Listening and
responding to a video -to skim and
gather information about Ancient civilizations -to recognize a sequence of events


To sum up and recapitulate the main ideas and help pps to remember the
meaning of “civilization”

T – PPs

T -

T -


Task1: Watch the videos
then say : -What ancient civilizations are
represented ?
-Which one is the oldest? -What’s your definition to “Civilization”?

Ancient civilizations to tune of
we didn’t start

Ancient civilizations in 2

Early civilizations

Task 2:Listen again
then link between events and dates or periods of time:

a-1st cities found in Sumer
b-Great pyramids of Khufu is built
c-1st empire created in

d-Athens becomes 1st




Task: Listen
to the last part of the video and write a definition of the term “civilization”

Time for a memory: Civilization is a
sophisticated culture based on a complex urban environment.

A culture that can keep records and pass on

Vedio: Ancient
Civilizations: Programme1,part1

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ancient civilization Vide
PostSubject: Re: ancient civilization   ancient civilization EmptyThu 10 May - 20:14

Sorry for that terrible table!!!!! ancient civilization 68335
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ancient civilization Vide
PostSubject: Re: ancient civilization   ancient civilization EmptyThu 10 May - 21:07

You're right ,Mrs.Dida, the content of the table is terribly good! ancient civilization 894148

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ancient civilization Vide
PostSubject: Re: ancient civilization   ancient civilization Empty

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